Princess: me, Marine Corps wife, mother, photographer, homemaker, boutique-owner, friend, daughter, & so much more. Big Daddy: 16.5-year Marine, Daddy, brother, son, Manwich Lover, baseball enthusiast, friend, protector. Monkey (TB): Preschooler, 3-years-old, redhead, curious, cheese lover, cuddlebug, turdbird, shoe hater. Tuggy Bear: shih-tzu, cheese lover, snuggler, lover. Kitty Kat Cat (Meowers): wise Peppy: Yorkie, The Baby Yoshi: INSANE new addition, Kitty Cat
Or you could just go picture heavy. ;) You have plenty to say. Just say it!!!!
Or you could just go picture heavy. ;) You have plenty to say. Just say it!!!!